Lamb Legs with Under Cut Meat Curry
Lamb Paya Ingredients:
1. Lamb Paya- 8
2. diced onion- 2 large
3. Garlic ginger paste- 2 tbsp
4. Turmeric powder- 1 tsp
5. Salt 1 tbsp
6. Whole garam masala – 2 tbsp
7. Water- 6 cup
Lamb Bong Ingredients:
2. Lamb Bong Meat- 2 lbs
3. Garlic and Ginger whole- 2 tbsp
4. Kashmiri chilli powder- 1 tsp
5. Spices Mixture (Garam Masala)- 1 tbsp
6. Turmeric powder- 1 tbsp
7. Coriander powder- 1/2 tbsp
8. Fennel (Saunf), powder- 2 tbsp
9. Black pepper, powder- 1 tsp
10. Cumin seeds (zeera), powder- 1 tsp
11. Black cardamom- 4 pieces
12. Cinnamon (Dalchini), powder- 1 tsp
13. Bay Leaf- 4 pieces
14. Coriander seeds, chopped- 2 tbsp
15. Salt- as per required
16. Lemon juice- 2 tbsp
17. Oil- 1 cup
18. Yogurt- 1/4 cup
1. In a suitable cooking pan, Combine ingredients 2 to 18, and cook till the meat is tender and soft.
2. Clean, wash the lamb leg pieces. In another large vessel add Lamb Paya Ingridents 1 to 7. Cook until paya is soft and tender.
3. Now mix Lamb bong and Lamb paya with remaining broth all together. In low flame cook all together 15 to 20 minutes.
4. When Paya Bong Niharis aroma arises it means your Paya Bong Nihari is ready to serve.
5. Dish-out and Garnish with: Coriander chopped, Ginger sliced, Green Chillies, and lemon………AND ENJOY…:))))))
TiP: Fry onion slices until golden-ish brown and add it to your NIHARI— for a more delicious taste…