Avocado Milk-Shake


Avocado Milk-Shake

Avocado Milk-Shake promotes good life and is filled with Nutrition’s that daily our body needs. Avocado Milk-Shake is the best drink to start the day with.  
You cannot THINK well, LOVE well, SLEEP well, if you haven’t TRIED THIS!!!
A great way to start your day with a great yummy healthy drink…



  • Avocado peeled, sliced: 6
  • Honey: 1/4 cup
  • Milk: 1 liter
  • Cardamom: 8 pieces
  • Almond chopped- 2 tbsp
  • Pistachios chopped- 2 tbsp


    1. Combine Avocado slices, honey, milk, cardamom, almond chopped, and pistachios chopped in a blender. Blend until the ingredients are well blend and smooth.
    2. Pour in desired glasses and garnish your cup with your favorite fruits (strawberries :D)…. ENJOY…. Avocado Milkshake


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