Carrot, Strawberries, Papaya, Pomegranate Smoothie


Carrot, Strawberries, Papaya, Pomegranate Smoothie: Welcome all Smoothie Lovers, Miss Omgies has bought another delicious homemade recipe. This time Miss Omgies has dedicated this post to Not only Smoothie Lovers, but Carrot Lovers, Strawberries Lovers, Papaya Lovers, Pomegranate Lovers but above all: Vegan Lovers. Vegan Lovers are the foundation of spreading love and rights. Any Guess What special homemade smoothie recipe it is?? Well Abra-ka-dabra, come fall in LOVE in the celebration of this joyful Year of 2016 with the combination of Carrot, Strawberries, Papaya, Pomegranate Smoothie.

Indeed Fruits are not only loved but Fruits are life. Fruits evidently make the day even sweeter as they are filled with love, happiness and joy. Smoothies are not only for the dry and hot summer days, when you feel really thirsty and want something cold and refreshing here comes Ms. Smoothie to save the day. However, Smoothies can be enjoyed all year long. I know the temperature is dropping and if you are living in North America, especially in the upper regions than during the month of January and February the weather gets to its lowest. The weather dominantly remains in the negatives, but if you are lucky enough and the sun comes out than maybe the temperature can move up to the positive. It’s getting freezing cold my friends!! Especially as the days are passing by, gotta buckle up.

[yumprint-recipe id=’11’]Even though winter is a season of rapping yourself up inside a warm, heated blanket yet this season has its own beauty to praise about. If you just take a glance for a minute and look out your window, its actually really beautifully. The white snow, which most of us have many cherish-able memories with starting from childhood, is evidently only seen during this season. Besides the fact that snow can get annoying, especially if you are someone like me that has to go to university and takes the bus. Besides the fact that you have to wait in the cold for the next bus, or sometimes even run where there is a risk of slipping really badly. Yeah!!! I agree…went through that embarrassing moment a lot of time, actually went through it soo many times that even if I fall, I actually laugh at myself.

Smoothie’s foundation is Peace, Love, Kindness and Equality. Smoothies have taught us to be caring and sharing the affection of love with one another. The combination of Carrot, Strawberries, Papaya, Pomegranate Smoothie, is just wonderful. This Smoothie is so modest and classy that it will make your day. You can drink the special combination of Carrot, Strawberries, Papaya, and Pomegranate Smoothie anytime throughout the day. The colorful carrots are nutritious and soo flavorful and fresh. Carrots are filled with fiber; and are good for your eyesight.


 My Grandmother always told me to eat carrots, but like any other kid I use to run away and give excuses. But as we all realize when we grow up that Grandmothers are always right. As Grandmothers always think the best for you, since they love you the most. Papaya is a refreshing fruit, that can be cut in different shapes. I still recall how my Grandmother use to cut papaya in different shapes and sizes, in order for me to eat. She use to tell me stories and according to the stories she would cut the papaya into a car, a roller coster ride and their it goes in my mouth. My creative side is totally from my Grandmother, as all her dishes were always presented in a decent yet fashionable manner. My Grandmother is a healthy eater, she loves to eat and drink healthy. My Grandmother always gave me free and useful advices. She once told me what a successful and wise recipe contains?? Any Guesses?? Well a successful and wise homemade recipe contains a healthy component to it.

Indeed carrots are sooo good for you. Add it in your next smoothie. Because you are worth every sip of it. I remember when I was a kid I use to run away from all fruits and vegetables, I was never found of either. Since I had a special connection and bounding with chocolate, ice cream, ships and other junk foods. But there was one special fruit, that stole my heart. Whenever I use to look at it, automatically my eyes use to sparkle, my mouth became watery and from deep inside my heart, their was a voice that whispered: now this is it. Its soo heavenly, gorgeous and fairytale like.


 My first fruit crush was the heart touching, mesmerizing Strawberries. Was it because of the beautiful color red, or cause of the fresh taste? I mean one can never, ever ignore Strawberries. Pomegranate, like my Grandmother says is one of the oldest and finest fruits. I use to play with Pomegranate seeds as a child. Since when I was a toddler, I had small hands and it was really difficult to hold any other fruit or vegetable. One fruit I could hold in my tiny hand were Pomegranate seeds, indeed my relationship with Pomegranate is really old. When I became slightly older, I was really interested in counting how many seeds a Pomegranate contained. But the counting is still on, as after counting a few seeds, I use to get distracted. Whether it is morning, afternoon, evening or even night after drinking this sweet smoothie, you will cherish it in your heart and forever come in peace.

 Very skin and hair friendly smoothie. Organize your daily diet routine by eating at least some fruits throughout the day. In Windy, Rainy, Wintery or Summery Day; this Smoothie will be joy ed as it is the Right CHOICE. You will find love and happiness within this fabulous smoothie. Why are you wondering when this simple, quick and easy stepped recipe is there. Don’t be part of the crowd; come out and try this one of a kind smoothie. You will find a new world, that you need to discover. 



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